CMTS 2013 – Mazak
October 1, 2013: The Factory of the Future Today.
The Factory of the Future is best described as an intelligent machine-to-machine and machine-to-management (M2M) two-way communication about how to make more production, and more Income From Operations, in the same work time.
The Factory of the Future is available Today and can be realized within existing plants, however, it requires manufacturers to:
- Adopt open architecture of machine tools (MTConnect)
- Implement a backward compatible method to convert the machine tool into a two-way communication device that is capable of reporting capacity utilization in real-time (MERLIN)
- Integrate new equipment from OEMs of machine tools, like Mazak, that include the MTConnect option, to enable all equipment to “talk” the same language.
In August of 2013, Mazak adopted MERLIN operating on the MTConnect protocol to obtain the Factory of the Future Today. David McPhail, President and CEO of Memex Automation Inc., describes in this presentation how manufacturers can obtain increased production and increased Income From Operations by transforming their investment in an existing plant (a 20th century investment), into an investment in a 21st century plant, with an overlay of MERLIN operating on the MTConnect protocol.
To open the presentation, please click on CMTS 2013 – Mazak Presentation, on the right hand side under “Downloads”